Panelists: Earl Evans and Carrington Vanston Topics: Host topic: Collecting to have vs. collecting to use. Blazin’ Forth for the C64 Wayne Green (1922-2013) Jason Scott tweets about Wayne Green Linotype: The Film Atari 7800 Expansion Module Status Page Audio from listener David Wilson: is Retrocomputing a fad? How to make a BBC Micro work […]
RCR Episode 58: What can we learn from old computers?
Panelists: Earl Evans and Carrington Vanston Topics: Host’s topic: What can we learn from old computers? The interseller 8-track player Commodore 8bit Search adds Amiga search Apple’s “Twiggy Mac” comes back to life New items from New run of CFFA3000 cards announced DXForth 4.00 for CP/M Code Academy The C64 vs Apple II chess […]
RCR Episode #57: Get off my lawn (tech that bugged us even back then)
Panelists: Earl Evans and Carrington Vanston Topics: Host topic: Get Off My Lawn tech that bugged us even back then. Digital Den to preserve and exhibit vintage computers Indigogo campaign Cambridge museum aims to preserve digital history KansasFest attendees feature on ComputerWorld and the challenges of retro PC gaming The itty bitty Mac Manson […]