Panelists: Carrington Vanston (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern and Earl Evans Host’s Topic: Wherefore Art Thou Retro? Why bother to use or collect retro computers? Other than for nostalgia, what good are these old computers when you could buy a modern PC for the price of an Apple II on eBay? Retro Computing News: Retrochallenge […]
RCR Episode 76: Getting started
Panelists: Steven Weyhrich (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Michael Mulhern, and Carrington Vanston Host’s Topic: What is the best way to get into the retrocomputing hobby if you wanted to start with nothing? Retro Computing News: Buy new 5.25 and 3.5 floppy disks CraigsWatch SearchTempest Modern kids react to retro computers Teens react to 90s Internet Sharp […]