RCR Episode 123: Easter eggs

Panelists: Michael Mulhern (hosting), Earl Evans, and Paul Hagstrom Host’s Topic: Easter Eggs Hidden developer lists. Slipping it past management. Have you ever added an Easter Egg to a program? First EE? WAIT 6502 on a PET Other MS fingerprints/Easter Eggs Search Google for “do a barrel roll” using Chrome or Firefox Excel 97: Flight […]

RCR Episode 122: Y2K

Panelists: Jack Nutting (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, and Michael Mulhern Host’s Topic: Y2K Thoughts on the anticipation leading to the turn of the century. Retro Computing News: The Games, “Millennium Bug” episode Y2K survival guide with foreword by Leonard Nimoy iOS 1970s nostalgia Charles’ Metaphor Computer ML5-1200 photos Metaphor Computer Systems on Wikipedia DrKhumalo on lemon64 […]