RCR Episode 157: eBay and retrocomputing

Panelists: Jack Nutting (hosting), Earl Evans, and Paul Hagstrom Host’s Topic: eBay and retrocomputing “Atari 800 – RARE – $1,000 – L@@K!!1!”. Why do such listings exist? They are becoming more and more common. Does anyone ever accidentally buy from these outrageous listings? Memorabilia – especially recent-ish (90s, 2000s). Sometimes the vintage section of eBay […]

RCR Episode 156: Assembly Chicken PolyANTICast Roundtable episode 1 (KansasFest 2017)

This is the annual group “megapodcast” recorded at KansasFest, from July 2017. The event draws quite a few podcasters, so we all sit in a room and talk for an hour. This year’s podcast involves the obligatory discussion of the KansasFest event itself (which is an annual gathering of Apple II enthusiasts, along with some […]