Panelists: Earl Evans (hosting), Paul Hagstrom, Jack Nutting, and Carrington Vanston Topic: Things we (came to/no longer) hate Things we used to hate, but maybe no longer do. Or maybe still do. Or maybe didn’t used to hate, but now do. Topic/Feedback links: RetroMacCast interviews Rocky Bergen about papercraft creations Mimic Spartan Retro Computing News: […]
RCR Episode 212: Virtual Retro-gatherings
Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Jack Nutting, Blake Patterson, and Carrington Vanston Topic: Virtual Retro-gatherings Given that retrocomputing gatherings are going virtual, what aer ways that we can make this experience a good one? Topic/Feedback links: C64 guitar Compressorhead: Ace of Spades Computer Sport Athlete nMigen tutorial Retro Computing News: Atgtha in Absurdia Roguelike game VCF […]