RCR Episode 217: Architecture shifts

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Blake Patterson, and Carrington Vanston Topic: Architecture shifts Apple announced that it will be shifting its processor architecture from Intel to ARM. This has happened before, not just at Apple, but, well, mostly Apple or Apple-adjacent. We try to think of some other examples as well. Topic/Feedback links: New Golden Age […]

RCR Episode 216: Home v. Hobby

Panelists: Paul Hagstrom (hosting), Earl Evans, Blake Patterson, and Carrington Vanston Topic: Home v. Hobby How have you kept the home/hobby balance? What has allowed you to remain friends/married/peaceful? Boundaries? Shared interest? Topic/Feedback links: Byte Cellar panorama Stitching together with QuickTime VR Studio 1.0 QTVR file of the panorama Collapse OS Basic mechanisms in gun […]